Weather in Costa Rica

weather map of Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a varied climate which is subject to change depending on many factors. The year is broken up into two seasons- wet and dry, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

The wet season is between May - December and brings with it warm, tropical showers. This is the best time to enjoy Costa Rica's rich array of vegetation which thrives in dazzling greens spotted with neon flowers - a nature lovers' paradise! The rest of the year (end December - April) is the dry season, which still sees small showers but does not call for such constant umbrella usage! The first two months of this season are the most pleasant to travel in Costa Rica as temperatures are not scorching and the climate is generally dry. By March and April it is pretty boiling, making it hard for too much active travelling, but relaxing on Costa Rica's beaches remains a nice option.

At great altitude the highlands can be cold. However, the central valley which incorporates Costa Rica's inner provinces of San José, Alajuela, Heredia and Cartago is renowned for having an 'eternal spring', making the climate agreeable all year round. In this region lows range between 14-16°C whilst highs reach 23-26°C.

Both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts are baking all year round. However, due to the humidity, the Caribbean side does not really get a dry season and so stays constantly green and lush. The Pacific side benefits from the dry season and is a lot less humid, making it a more comfortable heat. Temperatures in the Pacific city of Puntarenas reach 36°C in the high season and do not drop below 22°C.

Be certain to plan your trip accordingly with this lowdown on Costa Rica weather in mind, so as to be sure you are travelling in climates which are personally agreeable and so you get the most out of your holiday.